New Client OnboardingPlease complete each field so that we can begin tailoring our tools for your institution Primary Contact Person * First Name Last Name Title / Position * Email * Institution / College/Organization * Additional Administrative User(s) Provide Name, Email Address, and Role Which groups within your college/university will use the APEX database? * APEX User Community Alumni Community Faculty Students Administrators Staff Other If you selected Other, please provide a list of other members of your community who will use the APEX software Please select the levels within the academy that you will solicit programming for the APEX Software Pre-Collegiate (K-12) Collegiate Post Baccalaureate Graduate Post Doctoral/ Professional Faculty Administrative/Senior Leadership Which key areas would you like the THRIVE Index Tool to assess? * THRIVE Index Tool Customization Academic Initiatives (e.g., academic unit sponsored activities, initiatives, professional development, bridge programs, summer research programs, etc.) Multicultural Programs (Celebrations, Heritage Months, Clubs, Social Events, etc.)) Policies (e.g., DEI Specific Recruitment/Retention practices, Regulations, etc) Education (e.g., Curricula, Trainings, Certifications) Other If you selected Other please provided a description of the additional key area(s) Additional Key Area Preferred APEX Software Tool Name This will be the name of your tool (e.g. Diversity and Inclusion Action Link, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Hub). If you do not have a name yet, leave this field blank Branding Guidelines Provide URL to your Institution's branding guidelines http:// Do you want key performance outcome data to be visible for public viewing? Yes No Maybe for certain key areas Diversity Terminology Provide a URL to help orient us to the diversity terminology used at your institution http:// Do you want to integrate an existing GIS mapping system for your institution's buildings and other locations? Yes No, we will use standard map data built into APEX Provide your current timeframe for annual reporting Indicate dates (month/year) that are upcoming for your academic year Tell us about any significant milestone dates that would influence the timing of your campus launch. Please tell us about your existing metrics for evaluating DEI program/initiatives successes/milestones. Form submitted successfully!Click here to refresh and relaunch a new form.